
5 reasons to move from a Shiny website to a static site

Back in March I rewrote from its original R Shiny implementation into a static website using the Vue Javascript framework. I intended to write about it at the time but I’ve been busy and hadn’t made time for it until now, which is handy given that the football season has just finished! Excuse the clickbait title, but I genuinely couldn’t think of a better way of organising this post.

Evaluating the Predictaball football rating system - 2018

Having become interested in football again due to the World Cup, I was thinking about Predictaball and how I never wrapped up the season with a brief review. It’s been a big season for Predictaball, with the move to an Elo-based system, as well as the launch of a website. However, is the new match forecasting method any good? Model accuracy Fortunately, to help answer this question, a very generous Twitter user by the name of Alex B has been collecting weekly Premiership match predictions from around 30 models and tracked their progress.

multistateutils: functions for using multi-state models in R

A month ago I mentioned that I’d been using a discrete event simulation for estimating transition probabilities from parametric multi-state models. I’ve now turned this code into a general package containing resources for multi-state modelling, called multistateutils (I know, I’m very imaginative) which may be of interest to other people working with multi-state models in R. The current release is available on CRAN, while the development is still on GitHub.

rprev 1.0.0 released with lots of new features

I’m very happy to announce the first ‘official’ release of version 1.0.0 of rprev, the R package for estimating disease prevalence by simulation. This is useful for epidemiologists who have registry data and want to know disease prevalence from time periods longer than is covered by the registry. I first released it almost exactly two years ago but had always intended to update it with the features in this release.