
rprev 1.0.0 released with lots of new features

I’m very happy to announce the first ‘official’ release of version 1.0.0 of rprev, the R package for estimating disease prevalence by simulation. This is useful for epidemiologists who have registry data and want to know disease prevalence from time periods longer than is covered by the registry. I first released it almost exactly two years ago but had always intended to update it with the features in this release.

epitab - Contingency Tables in R

I’ve just released a new package onto CRAN and while it doesn’t perform any complex calculations or fit a statistical niche, it may be one of the most useful everyday libraries I’ll write. In short, epitab provides a framework for building descriptive tables by extending contingency tables with additional functionality. I initially developed it for my work in epidemiology, as I kept coming across situations where I wanted to programmatically generate tables containing various descriptive statistics to facilitate reproducible research, but I could not find any existing software that met my requirements.